Working on “sss”-words

We’ve been working on “s” words. They are rather hard to say, since they always involve a double consonant. So we practice, over and over & Ada loves it. She will ask & try over and over until she gets it.

Us: Say “stool”
Ada: “toowa”
Us: Say “ttt-ooo-lll’
Ada: ‘tt-oo-wa’
Us: “ttt-ooo-lll’
Ada: ‘tool’
Us: good! Say ‘ssss’
Ada: ‘sss-tool’
Us: good job! good effort!
Ada: ‘more! more ss-words!’…

So we’ve been working on: spoon, stool, school, squirrel, squiggle, stand, snake, smile, small. Double consonants are hard!

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