
Some funny flowers

A fun day out with cousins. We met up with Deanna and Lilly on Ada’s stay home day. Enjoying and savoring before kindergarten.





“This is my clothes”

Ada laid out her clothes today.  We call her “Clothes-Ada”.  She wanted to do it herself.  When she called me in, this is what I found.  Not a bad combo. I laughed noting the nice touches. The accessories were the best: a watch, a wand, and a hair clip (look upper right). Ada and clothes-Ada are ready to go. We love you Ada.





Pretend Play



We made a scene of Ama and Apa going to the pond to watch ducks!

Laugh at me Midwestern relatives!


But… I have discovered the crockpot.   Yes, it’s true.   Awesome so far.   A tasty risotto, a tomato chicken mascarpone soup, and a third soup with fish dumplings since I got it.  See, it takes me awhile, but I am coming around.   I am learning!

Questions in June and July

Recent questions:

– Where was I before I was born?
– How did Mommy and Daddy make me?
– Is GOD a person?
– Is Iman going to die?
– Are you and Daddy going to die?

Big stuff in that little girl heart.

And recently her quote:

“GOD is the tug in your heart”.

Who’s teaching who? – a humble & touched mom

Good question

“How come lawn mowers are outside and vacuum cleaners are inside?”  – Good question, Ada.

A Quote

“Meditation is hearing your brain on the inside”  – says my 3 yo. daughter, pointing out my meditation cushions, while we were reading a book in the backroom.  Too simple & too profound.  I’m constantly in awe.


Last month, Ada really started taking to painting.  Its the first thing she wants to do when she arrives at preschool.  And she proudly tells me, “I am going to make a painting for you”.  We’ve been lining up her paintings and swapping them out with new ones on the dining room table each night, where we can enjoy them.  She uses all the colors, painting on layer on top of the next, so what she makes ends up being a little grey, blue, brown abstract blob-circle-swirly painting.  They look something like this.

In the last week, Ada has started changing how she paints and draws.  Now, in the last week she is testing a lot.  And experimenting.  First she’s been practicing coloring different colors inside the lines of her coloring books.  At school she is  very excited about trying out all the colors separately with her brush.  This is one of her recent paintings.

It is neat to watch all of these developments pop up and come out.  You can almost feel the ‘intensity of the vibration’ coming out of her, as she learns.  Being around her, you see these innate drivers that send her focused into different deep specific tasks over time.  From line-ups to painting, she is very excited to learn, sort, try, organize, and experiment…

Ada’s New Desk





She is loving her new desk – and coloring set-up.  Yesterday and today, this is where she wants to be when we’re not playing or doing something else.

When I come in,  she’ll say,  “I want privacy. ”  Okay,  solo adventures begin !?

And some more ideas for her wall…

California Haircut


Ada’s haircut,  before tomorrow’s school pics.  She put on her shades,  got a lollipop from the lady at Hamid’s barbershop,  and was pretty proud coming out!